Home » Blog » Should the Bride Do a Speech? Breaking Traditions and Empowering the Bride’s Voice

Wedding traditions have evolved over time, and many couples are redefining the roles and responsibilities of the bride and groom on their special day. One question that often arises is whether the bride should deliver a speech. Traditionally, weddings speeches have been patriarchal with speeches reserved for the father of the bride, the groom, and the best man. However, modern weddings embrace inclusivity and celebrate the unique voices and perspectives of each individual involved. In this blog post, we’ll explore the brides speech, the benefits it brings, and how to make it a memorable part of your wedding celebration.

Breaking Traditions:

More and more brides are choosing to break traditions by sharing their gratitude and making heartfelt speeches on their wedding day.

The Benefits of a Bride’s Speech:

1. Personal Expression: A bride’s speech allows you to share your emotions, thoughts, and personal experiences leading up to the wedding day. It’s a chance to express love appreciation for your partner, family, and friends who have supported you throughout the journey.

2. Equality and Empowerment: Including a bride’s speech in the wedding festivities promotes equality and empowers your voice. 

3. Connection with Guests: A bride’s speech provides an opportunity to connect with your guests on a deeper level. It allows you to share stories, anecdotes, and insights about your relationship, creating a more intimate and meaningful experience for everyone present.

Tips for a Memorable Bride’s Speech:

1. Prepare and Practice: Like any speech, preparation is key. Take the time to gather your thoughts, outline the key points you want to cover, and rehearse your speech. Practice in front of a mirror or with a trusted friend to build confidence and ensure a smooth delivery.

2. Inject Personal Touches: Make your speech unique by incorporating personal anecdotes, memories, and heartfelt messages. Share stories that highlight your journey as a couple and express your gratitude to those who have supported you along the way.

3. Balance Emotion and Humor: A great bride’s speech strikes a balance between heartfelt emotions and lighthearted humor. Share touching moments and heartfelt expressions of love, but also sprinkle in some light humor to keep the audience engaged and entertained.

4. Acknowledge Important Individuals: Take the opportunity to express gratitude and acknowledge important individuals in your life. This may include your partner, parents, siblings, friends, or anyone else who has played a significant role in your journey.

5. Keep it Concise: While it’s important to share your thoughts and feelings, remember to keep your speech concise and engaging. Aim for a duration of around 5-7 minutes (700-100 words) to ensure that you hold the attention of your guests.

6. Practice Delivery and Body Language: Pay attention to your delivery and body language during the speech. Speak clearly, maintain eye contact with the audience, and use appropriate gestures to enhance your message. This will help create a connection and captivate your listeners.


It’s becoming increasingly common for brides to give speeches at their weddings. It breaks traditional norms and promotes equality and empowerment. If you would like to speak on your wedding day, go ahead and seize the opportunity. 

Photo by CJ

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